Moving Past Anger

Working part of my time with customer service over the years, I’ve noticed how often people tend towards anger. I have to admit that I have been on the other end and have projected that energy forth in the wrong space, not even knowing where it has stemmed from. It’s a representation of the toxic place we are collectively. People feel it is their right to have anything at any time, exactly as they expect it, otherwise some fundamental wrong has been done to them. They take it personally – as if their liberty is threatened, and in turn, they threaten the person representative of the company that has “done them wrong”. They, most often, do not consider the person on the receiving end of their frustration. They do not see mistakes as a part of life and this human experience. Instead, they are ready to fight and do not care who they hurt in the process.

This to me represents the energy that we are stuck in as a society. We are so focused on things over other living beings. We value those closest to us, and I am sure most even claim we want the best for humanity as a whole. But we have no hesitation to release our rage on another human being for something trivial, often which is not even the fault of the other person or anybody at all.

Reaching altered states of consciousness has surged in popularity – whether it be through meditation, breathwork, or nature, or more controversial means like plant medicine, divination, or shamanic journeying. While there is less stigma than there was in the past, there is still so much judgement about people who subscribe to these “hippy” practices.

It is clear the frequency we are living in is not working. There is an incredible amount of pain and suffering in the world. The answer is not to numb or to retaliate with more negativity. When we bring ourselves down into that frequency, we only attract more of the same. We need to find a way collectively to shift out of that space into a more positive vibration. I believe that we are all connected and we cannot even comprehend the ripple effect of our lives and our energy.